It also introduces us to three sparkling musical theatre personalities, who bring a very different energy to the story as well. No, with the use of “Steppin’ Out With My Baby” followed by “I’ll Capture Your Heart,” we meet Jim, Ted and Lila, in an arrangement that is faithful to the big band Swing period, but with nimble choreography by Denis Jones, it becomes very much a “now’ musical” right up there with Rent, Hamilton, On Your Feet!, The Book of Mormon, and other hits from later periods. Right off the bat, we can see this show will not be about two middle aged entertainers, both looking for partners on and offstage. The musical playing at Studio 54 is now set in 1946-47 and to get us off on the right track, it begins with a bang up song and dance performed to a faretheewell by three of its bright young stars. Mark Sandrich directed, and the film was a popular success. You might well ask “How can it be new when Irving Berlin has been dead for 27 years, and this current work is based on a film he scored in 1942.” The answer is the new creative team has used the film, which starred Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire in a unique public appearance, only as a jumping off spot from which they have carved what is indeed a delightful new show, using many songs from the Berlin catalog, some from the film itself, combined with a story that pays respect to the screenplay once written by Claude Binyon and an adaptation by Elmer Rice. L to R: Corbin Bleu (Ted), Lora Lee Gayer (Linda) and Bryce Pinkham (Jim) in ‘Holiday Inn.’ Photo by Joan Marcus. One example of how this works out well is the current Roundabout Theatre production of Holiday Inn: The New Irving Berlin Musical. He was born and raised in Oregon, lived in Los Angeles for quite a long time and now calls New York City his home.The gifted director Michael Blakemore once said, “When the curtain goes up, the audience is in trouble.” What he meant was that we out front want to know what we’re in for in the 2 hours traffic coming up on stage, and it’s up to the creators of the show to put us straight - quickly. Break out the balloons because stars Corbin Bleu, Bryce Pinkham, Lora Lee Gayer, Lee Wilkof, Megan Sikora, Megan Lawrence and Morgan Gao are dancing across this wonderful caricature!ī wishes the vibrant cast of Holiday Inn, the New Irving Berlin Musical a happy opening, a wonderful stay on the Main Stem, Christmas presents, Easter treats and fireworks galore.Ībout the Artist: With a desire to celebrate the magic of live theater and those who create it, and with a deep reverence for such touchstones as the work of Al Hirschfeld and the wall at Sardi’s, Squigs is happy and grateful to be among those carrying on the traditions where theater and caricature meet. To celebrate the new Irving Berlin musical's Great White Way bow (and Christmas and the Fourth of July and Easter), Resident Artist Justin “Squigs” Robertson created a kaleidoscopic, colorful sketch of the dazzling cast. Based off of the Oscar-winning 1942 film that starred Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire, the Gordon Greenberg-helmed tuner has already been extended through January 15, 2017. It's a lovely day today! The rainbow bright Broadway musical Holiday Inn opens officially on October 6 at Studio 54.