The most cheese you can save is 35, which means it will cost a minimum of 5 cheese to export. Getting Protected Maps Reduces the Exporting Cost: For every P1 map you get the price for exporting will go down by 4, for every P3-P9 you will be discounted 10 cheese.Įxample: If you get two P1 maps and have one P4 map then it will only cost 22 cheese to export. The Cost of Exporting Each Map: 40 Cheese Per Map In order to export a map: You must have at least 1,000 collected cheese (Go to your profile and view 'Gathered Cheese' stats). You can only load your own maps in the map editor, to load someone else's map you must use the tribe house. You can edit your own maps by loading the in the map editor (Save / Load / Test) and then validating it and re-exporting, editing your map does not cost any cheese so you only have to pay to export it once and then any modifications you make are free. The vote score is displayed after there are 50 or more votes and can be viewed by loading the in the map editor. Voting for Maps: After you export a custom map, users will vote for it, it may take several days to actually see your vote score. The Map Editor, while it may appear to be simple, is capable of many things! This is where innovative and artistic users go to create machines, statues, monsters and worlds for users to play. It is found in the submenu of the Menu tab (to the right side of your avatar).

The Transformice Map Editor is an invaluable tool for map makers to export and edit their own custom maps.

Sharing Your Maps and Using the CFM Map Database.Getting Your Maps Protected and Understanding the P System.Treadmill Grounds and Invalid Restitution.Dynamic Grounds and Intermediate Settings.What's more, please don't submit any maps in this thread - thanks! I'm still about to restore and reformat this thread, it's going to be incomplete and quite a mess for a while now. It is a recovered and slightly amended version of Rodenticus's thread on the old forums. This post hopefully provides some useful information, knowledge and skills in terms of mapmaking. In this thread you can ask any questions that relate to maps or the Transformice map editor. Map Making Information and Questions ThreadĬredits to Rodenticus who originally set up this thread on the old forums